Allot has transpired for us over this past year ~ first
this, then
this, and now...
This! :o)

On Wednesday a new step was taken in our relationship... one that we had looked towards and hoped for since our courtship began.

These past fourteen months have been wonderful ones, with the Lords' hand being evident every step of the way. From the bringing of two families together even though there were hundreds of miles between them, to the friendship that so quickly sprang up between us
("us" being Ryan and Ashley), to the amazing like-mindedness that we have not only in our likes and dislikes, but most importantly in our strong desire to align ourselves with what the Lord has laid out in His Word. Every step of the way, we have found each other to be walking the same course in the living out of our faith; which has time and again shown us that we were following the path that the Lord has laid before us.

Now we are excited to announce that, as of this past Wednesday, we are an engaged couple!!! We have made this commitment one to another after seeing the Lords' hand throughout our relationship, and commit to marry knowing that we are in the center of His will.
These days, we are delighting in spending our days discussing and planning for a summer wedding. As we walk this course together, we are highly anticipating the coming days and years that we'll have together!
Oh, Ryan and Ashley, I loved this post! What y'all wrote is just so beautifully sweet - I've read it over and over again. :) And the photos turned out so nice! Your mom did a wonderful job, Ashley!
By the way, it was so good to talk to you two yesterday. Somehow it made this all seem more real as I don't think it had really set in for me yet from 813 miles away. :)
Enjoy the rest of the weekend!
Love from a thrilled sister and future sister-in-law, :)
Congratulations to you once again, Ryan and Ashley!!! How very, very happy I am for you both!!! And so thankful to the Lord for bringing you two together and for what He has done in your lives. It has been a joy to see the relationship between you two growing and blossoming, and now to have you engaged and planning a wedding . . . how very exciting it is!
This post was so beautiful, and so very sweet . . . it brought tears to my eyes as I read it. Thank you so much for sharing it! We all greatly enjoyed it and have already come back and re-read it who knows how many times. :) And since we can't be there in-person during this special time, the wonderful photos, this post, and all the phone calls have been very wonderful!!!
I hope the last few days of this visit together are wonderful ones for you both! :)
Dear Ashley,
What a beautiful post... We are praising the Lord with you! What a wondrous work He has wrought in both of your lives. Looking forward with you.
Congratulations on your engagement and upcoming marriage. To say that we are happy for you is a huge understatement!! We are so thankful that the Lord led our families together!
Your blog post was simply beautiful, both the writing and the photos. It is plain to see that you are seeking to honor the Lord through your relationship with each other. What an encouragement that is to those who know you! One of my friends read your blog post today and it brought tears to her eyes as she read of your dedication to following the Lord.
We so look forward to your wedding (in 140 days, but who's counting?)
Ashley, we are thrilled that you will be marrying into our family!!
With love to you both...
Mike and Nanci Pelc
Such exciting news! :) Congratulations, Ryan & Ashley!!!
We remember what joyous times we had leading up to our wedding, as we grew closer and made plans for our new life together as husband and wife. These are some of the happiest memories we have! It's such a very special time. :)
We will keep you in our prayers as you make plans for your wedding.
May the Lord bless you both!
The Kincaid Family
Dear Ashley,
I have waited for this post with great excitement!!:) Congratulations, dear friend!!!!!! I'm so sorry I have not been able to answer your email!!I have been busy...but this is one of those"Must comment" posts!!
Ashley, praise the Lord for the work He has done in the lives of Ryan and you!!:) I rejoice with you!!:) (A huge grin spread across my face at the title of this post!!)
The Lord bless you as you prepare for your upcoming wedding!! Once again, CONGRATULATIONS!!!!:)
I know you are...but, have a WONDERFUL day!!:)
Congratulations! This is exciting news!
I am a reader of "As Lilies Sewing" and have followed the news from there. However, I felt I had to send my sincere congrats to you personally...well e-personally that is. I am so happy for you both as you embark on this new facet of your lives together.
~Mrs. M
Most wonderful news! My hearty congratulations and wishes for the Lord's blessings to be poured out upon you both.
Dear Ashley,
I'm so happy that you posted about this. When you stopped blogging, I was afraid that you and Ryan had decided on a different path and that you weren't courting any longer. Wonderful news!
Dear Ryan and Ashley,
I'm so happy to hear of your engagement and upcoming wedding.
God's Blessing's as you walk the path to a long and happy life together.
Linda Carmichael
Congratulations to the both of you! I have gotten to know Sarah through her blog and many wonderful sewing projects she has done for me.
I read on As Lilies Sewing about your engagement and wanted to share my happiness for you both.
May the Lord bless your life together!
AHHH!!! Ashles (see if you know who this is by that nick name!). I kept losing track of your email and your blog. I *finally* stumbled across your blog about two weeks ago. I've so oftene wondered how you were doing and if you got married. I wish I had done better keeping up with you. I am so glad you included links at the top to your other stories of you and Ryan. I am SO excited for you. Congratulations!! (This is Laurie by the way!)
Hello. I came over from a few different blogs but anytime anyone is getting married I love to stop and say congratulations. I have been married nearly 3 years and together with my husband since 2004. I cannot tell you how much of a joy it is to be married. There are days that I look back and think, wow. Just wow. Thank you Lord for a gracious and precious gift of a my perfect husband.
How excited I was to hear that you are engaged!!! I have been praying for you and will continue to pray as you prepare for marriage! May the Lord bless you both!!!
Oh--Congratulations!!!!! May the Lord continue to guide you in the days, weeks, months and years ahead! You must be so overjoyed. :)
Thank you so much for posting! My girls and I had "found" you by way of Marmee. Thank you for being such a delightful role model for my younger girls! They are so excited for you (ages 12, 14, 16). Please do consider sharing some of the plans as you have time. It is so nice to have a Godly young women for my daughters to admire. Richest belssings on this time in you life:)
Congratulations Ashley!!
I'm so happy for the both of you and for your families. As I watched Ryan building his house via Sarah's blog, I had a deep feeling he was doing so with you in mind. I think you two make a lovely couple and the fact that God is a partner with you both makes your upcoming marriage truly blessed!
Please keep us abreast of your wedding.
Much love to you both.
Miss Lila
I am so happy for you Ashley. I am a friend of Sarah so I just had to come and visit. Your photo's are beautiful and your ring is so pretty!!! You and Ryan are very blessed by our Lord. Have a wonderful day and enjoy your engagement, Rose
I was catching up on reading blogs and was so happy that I decided to check and see if you had written anything recently! I am so happy for you and Ryan and the way the Lord is leading in your lives! Congratulations on your engagement and upcoming wedding! If we can help you in any way,please don't hesitate to let us know!
Mrs. Walker
Oh, praise the LORD!! How wonderful and exciting!! And even though I don't know much about you, I can tell - just the little that I've read on your blog - that you are a sweet young lady and I'm so happy for you! :) Really, dear, you should add a "followers" box on your sidebar so that people can follow your blog. I would love to, but don't see a follower's button. :( Let me know if you put one up! :) In the meantime, please feel free to come visit my Look forward to seeing a comment from you. :)
~Miss Raquel
PS: Congratulations!!! :) (again(
Hey Ashley! My parents told me that you were engaged, so I had to come find your blog again (I'm so busy I hardly have time for blogs now, but I'd forgotten how lovely and newsy yours is. I'm going to have to catch up and keep up with you a lot more!) and see the story. I'm so happy for you and Ryan. Marriage is such a wonderful gift from the Lord. Mom said your engagement pictures are this coming Monday; I'm off that day so I may try to drop by and say "hi" in person. :)
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