*Warning: This Post Contains LOTS of Photos!*

So here I go... a conglomeration of the highlights and everyday life at the Castlebury's!

Several weeks ago we were able to go visit the Pelc's, and goodness, what a time we had! We always have a wonderful time together, but I do believe this one is better than the rest! Dad and Sayre helped Ryan and his Dad out at the house where they were able to get the roof on, a good amount of dry hung, and several other 'more than one person jobs' done. Sarah did several posts on our time together (#1, #2, #3) which document it really well.
Sawyer seemed to be Sarah's constant companion during the trip, and the above photo gives one a taste of how much he enjoys playing with her!

It was so good to be talking with Ryan in person again!! All other mediums are great, but they can't beat face to face in person time. We were able to get quite a bit of wedding and house related things nailed down and talked through during the time together, which was exciting for both of us!

I find it humorous that this is the only photo that contains more than 3 people I have from the entire trip!! Us ladies had such a great time together! From visiting antique stores, talking, or whatever we were doing at the moment, we had a wonderful and encouraging time together! The times our families are together is always refreshing, challenging, and encouraging. What a blessing the Pelc's have been to us!

Upon returning home from Missouri, Momma and I began to contemplate starting in on my wedding dress. The mock up had been completed right before we left, so all we had to do was to set aside everything (that would be gardening) and begin the dress. Two Monday mornings ago my Momma pulled out the cutting board and began laying out the fabric, while I was out running errands. Once I returned home, we started in on the cutting... and cutting... and cutting... and cutting. After three hours of cutting, measuring, snipping, and pinning, we closed up shop and called it a day.

We spent the afternoons of the next week and a half in the sewing room together. What wonderful times those were! I was able to learn new things or have sewing 'techniques' reinforced with each seam that we put in or pressed flat. My Mother is a sewing genius and I have so much to learn from her, which make these times where we're working together so terrific!

This past Wednesday we finished all the machine work on the dress; and yesterday, we officially finished all the hand sewing and pressed the dress!!! Now, all that's left is to put on the covered buttons, which we need to purchase, and the dress will be officially done!! I can't tell you how exciting it is to see (and have!) the dress (almost) completed!! Wow!!! Words fail me... It's a great feeling!

I have so enjoyed working on my dress with Momma. The time we spent together was special and full of memories... I was able to learn from her as we worked... We were able to talk about all sorts of things and build our relationship even stronger. I treasure these times with her...
Next on our to do together list - go strawberry picking for jam and freezing... that will take place next week! I sure hope the strawberry farm still has berries to pick! :o)

One highlight of this spring has been the addition of new animals to our place. Sayre wanted to raise some ducks, so in mid March we had Five Rouen, Five Mallards, and Five Pekin ducklings who looked so soft, downy and just plain 'ol cute, arrive. Now, they're practically full grown and make enough noise to drown out the chickens when we're present there.

These guys are a hoot to watch as they go everywhere en masse together, quacking the whole time. Sayre had them out the other day, and it was hilarious watching him attempt to herd them over to the shop!! One would get pointed back in the direction of the pen, and all the rest would follow! Sayre set up a kiddy pool full of water for the ducks to swim in, and it's a real treat to watch them floating in it.
But now that they are so big, we need to get them out of the chicken pen because...

I have just recently let Mother Fluff-Ruffle and her brood out of their pen and the chicks seem to enjoy roaming about the coop scratching for all sorts of things.
I so enjoy watching the chickens. It's so peaceful to sit in the grass or under a tree, watch them gather around you, and slowly go off in search of bugs or other tasty treats. They have really become more and more free range this spring. That's been so neat to see!

Sayre brought home three African Pygmy goats last Saturday... The 'girls' are Roxanne and Roseanne while the billy is named 'Buster Houdini'. Roxanne (pictured on the left) likes to stand at the gate and bleat at us, during the late afternoons. If you bleat back, she'll answer and you can carry on quite the conversation!

Seeing how I've featured all the critters, but the dogs so far, I suppose I ought to include a bit about the cows. Well... there are now sixteen cows and calves out at Bull Run! All the cows have calved and I think the final tally is five heifers and three bull calves.
In the above photo Dad, Tristan, and Sayre were putting each cow or calf into a head gate so they could tag them or take tags out, deal with the bull calves, and look each animal over closer.

So this is just a taste of what has gone on around here. As we look ahead to the weeks before the wedding, we anticipate wonderful times! It's going to be busy, but it will be wonderful at the same time! Home... Family and Friends... Animals... Gardening... Wedding... The recipe for the next nine weeks!
Thank You to all those who left comments on the last post. Ryan and I really enjoyed and appreciated your congratulations and excitement for us! Thank You so much for your comments!
I've been following your plans on Sarah's blog it's so good to have you share them on yours. I'm sure the days ahead will be busy I can't wait to see the finished "dress"!!!!! Marie x
Oh Ashley,
What a wonderful post. You narrated everything so well. It is so fun to read about all your projects and adventures. Thanks for all the good pictures.
See you soon. :)
Loved the post, Ashley! I so enjoyed each and every photo and your delightful commentary on the different events happening in your all’s lives lately. Such fun times you have been having!
You know, if I commented on everything that I would like to in this post, this comment will be more like one of our lengthy letters ;), so I’ll try to restrain myself and write briefly! (If that is possible. :)
We so enjoyed the time spent with you all, and thank you so much for coming! The photos brought back special and fun memories. :) You even managed to capture one with Sayre looking at the camera! Aww . . . and Sawyer . . . I sure miss my little buddy! No one’s around to play trucks and Lincoln logs with now. ;) :) Not to mention no one’s calling for “Sawah” or telling me about a certain event he thinks is going to take place in the future. :)
Once again, how very, very exciting about your dress! I am sure you and your Momma had such a fun time together sewing it, and I can hardly wait to see it! Less than two months now! And counting . . . :)
Loved seeing photos of all Sayre’s new animal acquisitions! They all look really nice, and I’m sure they’ve been keeping him rather busy. :) The “duck herding” photo looks like that could have been fun to watch . . . for some reason, ducks don’t seem like they would herd very well! It sounds like Sayre got the job done, though!
Oh, I like your all’s chicken coop! Very nice. :)
The “cattle wrangling” photo made me smile . . . that sounds (and looks!) like fun work! I’m sure your Dad and brothers enjoyed working together on the cattle maintenance and all. It is exciting about your all’s growing herd, and I am looking forward to seeing the cows again and all the new little calves. (Though, they probably won’t be too little anymore by the time we get down there!)
You know, I’m not very good at this “keep it short” thing . . . what was it that was said one time? “My keyboard runneth over”? Something like that. :)
Anyway, thank you so much for doing a post! It was thoroughly enjoyed over here by everyone!
Dear Ashley,
THANKS YOU SO MUCH FOR UPDATING!!:) It was quite a surprise and delight to find this post on here!
Ashley!! How exciting to think your dress is almost finished! I CANNOT wait to see it on you! Was it challenging? What material did you use? I imagine it is just beautiful!!:)
I'm so glad you had such a fun visit with the Pelcs! Don't worry about how many pictures you got! When your with people you love and fellowshipping..time REALLY does fly! I am just glad to hear you had such a great time!:)
Thanks for the post! I will try to get back to you soon! Love you!!
Have a wonderful evening and I am praying for you!!:)
Nanny Ree -
Thank you so much for your comment! I highly enjoyed it!
Yes, the days ahead are definately going to be busy, but oh so worth it! I never knew how much there was to a wedding (well, I knew how much there was, but I didn't realize the full extent of it) and at times it can be almost overwhelming. The Lord has been faithful to work out many things and I can't wait to see Him provide for the rest!
Hmmm... the dress. Well, I'm sure you'll see photos of it sometime after the wedding!
Christiana -
I so enjoyed 'hearing' from you again!!! Your comment brightened my day considerably, so THANK YOU!
I'm so glad you enjoyed the post... sometimes I wonder why on earth people would want to read what I write, so words like yours are always appreciated!
Yes, we will be seeing you soon, at least I hear that we are! :o) :oP Talk to you then!
Sarah -
My Goodness Friend, that was quite the comment! Brings fresh meaning to 'My/Your keyboard runneth over'!!! :o) I immensely enjoyed it, though!!! You know I don't mind looooong comments! :o)
I told Sawyer that you missed him (which you know means that I gave him a detailed account of that paragraph due to all the questions he asks!! :o) and his comment was 'Oh, tell her that she's my friend and that we'll come see her again'. He heavily emphasized the 'we'll go see them again' part, for he mentioned it several times in the next few moments. So... he enjoyed playing, talking, shopping, reading, and being with you!!!
The cattle wrangling does look like fun!! I never know about these things taking place until I happen upon them... such as in the photo. I just found out that there is now a bull over at Bull Run... and he had been there three days before I knew anything about it!!!
I'm so glad you enjoyed the post Sarah!!
Ashley S. -
You are soooooooooo welcome!! :o) You know, my dress is now completely finished!!! We covered and put on the buttons last night, which brings the dress to completion! It wasn't a hard pattern at all; we had to change a few things which meant creating a new bodice, which was the most challenging part. It was a fun and relatively easy project to work on!
The fabric is silk (I'm not being very specific as a certain party MAY read this) and the lace... ummm, not sure about that. Both fabrics were a pleasure to deal with and run through the machine!! You'll just have to wait a see a photo of it until after the wedding! :o)
Have a great day, Ashley! Thank you for your comment!
Hello. This is one of Beth's friends. Beth told me about your upcoming wedding. Congratulations from my family and myself. - Elle
P.S. I think it is awesome that you and your mom are making your dress. I haven't seen that in a while. :) Again congrats.
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