Wednesday, February 4, 2009

A Sneak Peek...

Would you like to see what a few of us have been up to since Monday? This will by no means be an exhaustive commentary on what we're up to, but will rather show what several of us have our minds focused on at the moment!

Momma is so very anxious to have her newly painted bathroom closet back in working order. Daddy was able to install several shelf 'holders' over the weekend, while also thinking through the logistics of putting shelving on a long wall. Momma spent Monday sanding the putty that was used to fill the nail holes and then scrubbed the closet trim which is prep work to getting it primed and painted.

"Our Nut Man"
Daddy bought Sayre a handy-dandy pecan picker-upper last week which for him was relief! He has been picking the nuts up on hands and knees and I suppose doing it this way became rather tiresome after a while! The tool is made of wire "bands" that force the nuts into a holding area of sorts (there is a picture further down in the post). With two pecan trees in the yard there are allot of nuts on the ground!

"May I Help You?"
We are so glad that Bee-Moo is feeling so much better these days! The little tyke had a bad cold for about a week but he is now well on the road to recovery! I love walking out to the pen and find him curled up just out of reach of the gate... it's almost like he's waiting for someone to come see him!

"My Poor Garden"
The gardening/spring fever has been gathering force this past week so I made some time to go out and 'putter' yesterday, thus relieving some of my pent up "garden fever" that I have. It's been quite some time since I devoted any energy to my garden and it was in a rather sad looking condition.

"Pecans in the Garden"
I spent most of my afternoon blowing out the leaves and picking up the pecans that were scattered around. I gathered a little over a half a laundry basket full of the nuts... shells and all!
The red thing is the 'handy-dandy pecan picker-upper' that I had mentioned above.

I also had a little time to divide and replant the iris' that were growing 'en masse'. I cannot wait to see how these iris' do this spring: last year the blooms were rather small although they were still beautiful!

"All Done!"
With things all cleaned up, I can begin the monstrous task of weeding. This is one downside to living in the south... weeds don't die off in the winter. Oh well, at least I can plan where to plant flower seeds as I weed and enjoy being outside!
My arbor blew over in all the wind that we had yesterday. This is the second time it's done this, so I guess we need deeper holes to anchor it down!

Momma and I have spent the past several days combing through the seed catalogues deciding what we want to plant and where. After much thought we have our orders placed and are eagerly anticipating everything to arrive!! I love this time of year!


Laura said...

It's been so cold in SC. I can't blame you for wanting to get in your garden soon. My grandparents had a couple pecan trees. Your post sure brought back memories.

Sarah said...

You all certainly have not been lacking in things to do, Ashley! The closet looks like it is coming along well! I am sure your Mom did a great job sanding it. :)

I was so glad to see the photo of Bee-Moo looking so much better!

How wonderfully pleasant it must have been to work out in your gardens. Enjoy all that weeding! :)

What are you going to do with all of those pecans? There are a lot of them!

How exciting that you and your Momma placed your seed order! Have they arrived yet? We need to start thinking about getting ours together . . .

Have a wonderful rest of the day, Ashley!!

Ashley said...

Laura- It has gotten cold here in SC in the past recent weeks. Does it get very cold in Charleston? With the warmer temperatures the past week getting out to my garden has been oh so wonderful!
Have a wonderful day!

Sarah- What will we do with the pecans? With so many nuts I do believe that we will take them someplace to be cracked as it would take us forever to do with our little hand held cracker. After that we will use them! :o)

Oh yes, my seed order arrived yesterday and I'm so excited that I'm having a hard time restraining myself from running out and planting them all! Instead I will start a few of the flowers seeds in flats and watch their progress with baited breath... :o)

Have a terrific day!