Monday, February 2, 2009

Over at Bull Run

The past few days have been spring like with temperatures reaching the fifties; working in the sun has been a delight! Momma and I took a walk through the woods yesterday afternoon, and as we strolled along I couldn't help but think of how quickly spring will be here. Many of the early spring blooming plants are already beginning to 'bud out'... I do believe I'm ready for spring!

"What a life..."
This scene is becoming more and more common of late... one has to admit that a nice toasty step in the warm sun just begs for something to take an afternoon nap on it! I still can't believe that he was sleeping with-in six feet of me "wielding a hose". Buck hates getting a bath or being sprayed with water!

"Working on the four wheeler"
This four wheeled contraption is Collins' way to get around. Be it working on "the farm" (the neighboring cow farmer) or getting over to Bull Run, this is the vehicle of choice. Yes, Sawyer usually begs for a ride as well!

Oh yes, the title of this post concerns Bull Run doesn't it...

"Working with a will"
Trevor began laying the hardwood floor last Friday. The house is beginning to look like a home!

"View from the kitchen"
He was able to get most of the floor layed over the weekend and I know he's pretty excited to see the place begin to come together. It's just fifty-four days until the wedding!

"It's great being little!"
As the afternoon began to wind down, Daddy and Tristan closed up 'shop' on their projects and filtered towards Trevor's house. Sawyer wanted to be in the pasture with Daddy, Tristan, and the cow so... he was pulled under the fence!
It was mentioned recently that someone has cows' in Trevor's front yard. Yes, they are in his front 'yard' but he has plenty of 'yard' before the fence starts! I have a feeling this is going to turn into a joke around here. :o)

"Relaxing after a hard days work"
It was so interesting to watch 'the girls' interact with Tristan. Soon after this picture was taken he managed to get all five cows clustered around him either for attention or out of curiosity. They are so curious, but it takes one of them to go investigate before any of the others will venture near enough.
Do you see the row of trees that runs to the right in the picture? Tristan has been working on fencing in the area above that row for several weeks now and is nearing completion. He has done nothing but fence for the past several months. One has to wonder what he will do when enough pasture is fenced in.

It is always a treat to head over to Bull Run each Saturday and see the progress that is being made over there. It sounds like Collin and Sayre have been given work to be done there this week, so I am eagerly anticipating next Saturday's trip to Bull Run!


Sarah said...

What fun times you all have been enjoying, Ashley!

I love that photo of Buck! I wonder what he is dreaming about. :) Lassie does not like water either and all I have to do is pick up the hose and she'll take off!

A four wheeler would be a fun thing to use to get around . . . it sounds like Sawyer certainly enjoys his rides with Collin!

The floors in the house are looking so nice! That looks like a big job.

What a cute photo of Sawyer and your parents! It took me a second to figure out what they were doing. :) But then you explained it anyway. :)

The photo of Tristan with his cows looks so peaceful . . . though, I might hesitate to lay down on the ground with so many of those big animals right around me!

Enjoy your coming Saturday out at Bull Run! :)

Ashley said...

I share your hesitation about being on the ground with the cows gathered around. I guess he knows when they will 'charge' and when they just are curious!
Thank you for your comment! :o)