Monday, August 31, 2009

This, That, and a bit of the Other...

Last week was a bit of a busy week... running errands, rushing to appointments, packing orders, and keeping up with normal things in the midst of it all. I was anxiously awaiting Saturday's arrival as it meant that the day could be spent enjoying the great out doors!

The end of the season
The day was beautiful- perfect for hanging out laundry and gardening, so after my horn lesson I headed out to the garden. Daddy was planning on getting the garden plowed under and had headed out there bright and early to begin pulling up plant supports and the slowly dying plants. After discussing with him the areas that needed plowing I started pulling some weeds; the rain that we had received the afternoon before helped to make this task easier!

"I'm playing wif wywa bewle"
As soon as I finished the weeding, I hopped on the lawn mower (which is always in high demand here!) and began work on the dog pen. Sawyer helped for part of the time before informing me that he would much rather play with the dogs, specifically Lila, than mow!

Working together
Pretty soon I noticed that Sayre had taken over plowing the garden and that he had a happy helper with him!!! Sawyer loves anything tractors and is always eager to take a ride on one!
Sayre's help was really appreciated as Daddy had had to run someplace and didn't make it home until late in the afternoon. Sayre has really been picking up the slack around here and is turning into quite a fine young man.

Ready for his 'nap'
As the afternoon wore on, I began to notice that Sawyer had a glazed over look in his eyes... the look that he gets when he's tired. I asked him if he wanted a nap and he said yes... We brought out the picnic blanket for him to lay down on, he carted out his blanket full of stuffed animals, and plopped himself down.....

'Nap time'
... to read 'Curious George' books! I don't think he got much rest out of nap time though... he was up and running around thirty minutes after this photo was taken!!

Fall gardening
Momma had spent most of her day out in the cutting garden weeding, cleaning/sprucing up, and planting seeds for the fall garden. She got so much done and happy with how everything went!

At the end of the day
The day began winding down and everyone began to make their ways to the house around 7:00 for dinner. Sawyer remembered to pick up his nap time stuff and found a great way to only make ONE trip to the house with all of that stuff!!! :o)

Saturday was a very profitable for us all; yes, it was work but it was work that we had had planned for quite some time to do. It felt so good to get it all accomplished and was almost invigorating to see it all happen! It's given me the extra incentive to keep plugging away at everything there is to do this week!


Rebekah said...

Awww! Sawyer looks so cute carrying all his stuff.
Have fun getting your work done this week!

Ashley said...

A very enjoyable post, Ashley!
As usual!!!

I think the heat over here is really making nap time alot easier for Joshy! Sawyer reminds me so much of him!

I'm so glad you had such a nice day! Thank you for posting!

Have a great day!

Sarah said...

What a fun post, Ashley! I have been really enjoying all of the posts that you have been doing lately. And all of the photos of Sawyer are so sweet! Do I ever miss the little guy!

Hasn't the weather been gorgeous lately?! And it sounds like you have been enjoying it and accomplishing a great deal of outdoor work, too! That is wonderful that you all were able to get your garden tilled up! It always looks so nice once that is done.

Sayre is turning into quite the farmer, isn't he?! What a blessing all of his help must be to you all! You are really blessed to have such special brothers.

That is exciting that your Momma was able to plant the fall garden! I am sure that she enjoyed herself. :) Gardening and her seem to go together well! Our Moms are definitely alike in that area! :)

I hope that you have a marvelous day, Ashley! And thank you for sharing all of the much enjoyed and appreciated photos! :)

Ashley said...

Rebekah- Thank you for your comment! I hope you have an enjoyable and profitable week as well!!

Ashley Sebo- Does the heat encourage your brother to go down for his nap or does it wear him out to where he doesn't mind a nap? Sawyer usually doesn't volunteer for a nap... no sir, he would much rather keep going strong all afternoon!
I hope you have a great day as well!

Sarah- I'm glad that you are enjoying the posts! I seem to be posting quite a few Sawyer photos... that could be because he's the most photogenic person around each day!! :o)
Have a terrific day!

Ashley said...

Yes, I think the heat wears him out and causes him to fall asleep faster, though he'll never readily take a nap, qutie like Sawyer!! He'd much rather keep playing!!

Have a great day, Ashley!!