Monday, June 23, 2008

Let's Celebrate!!

Two celebrations took place at the "Castlebury Homestead" over the weekend!!! The most memorable one for Mother and I took place on Saturday morning while the boys reveled in delight Friday evening!!
Let's start with the one that has the most impact on my Mother and I!

After four looooooong weeks of working on seventy-five pairs of John John's, five volumes of Jonathan Park , and hours spent picking bad seams out, we are ecstatic to announce that we are officially DONE!!!!

"Mother Dear sewing buttons and tags on"
There is such relief knowing that they are "out of the house" and that we did our best on them. Momma danced a happy gig when the sewing room was all cleaned up and the John John's were packed and sitting at the back door!!!

Now I can observe the goings on in my garden!!! There are pair of birds that have literally kicked their babies out of the nest, and they in turn have been hopping around the garden learning how to use their wings!

I also have a pair of hummingbirds that are frequenting my garden!! I now have time to try and capture their visits or just watch them! I love working out there and hear the tell tale "huuuummm" as they flit around from feeder to feeder!!

Lastly, I now I time to give my much neglected garden some much deserved attention! The Cleome, Phlox, Black Eyed Susan, Gerber Daisy, Hyssop, Blanket Flower, and a host of other plants are all beginning to bloom. It's time for me to "spruce things up" and improve the looks of things.
Ohhhh, I feel "as free as a bird, happy as a lark"!!!!!


Paula said...

Dear Ashley,

I am so excited over the two celebrations your family has just enjoyed! I know you and your dear momma were thrilled to have all that sewing completed! Your dear momma is just beautiful and so feminine!

The little bird is so sweet and I am glad your flowers are blooming, and the hummingbirds are humming, and the you feel "as free as a bird, happy as a lark!"

I am so happy that the Lord has blessed you and your family with fifty-six acres nearby your homestead! What a blessing and a joy for the Lord to have provided you all with this beautiful land. The picnic looks like such fun. You have such a beautiful family, and the love you all have for the Lord and one another, just shines so brightly! I can see how happy the menfolk are with their new property. I do hope they will put a jersey cow in there for your dear momma!!!

The Lord bless you and your family!

CarolineNot said...

Congratulations on completing the monumental and impressive task of creating 75 pairs of britches. That's a staggering number, as I'm sure you and your sewing mates fully realize.

You captured such a pleasing image of the baby bird, and you're fast on the button to have caught the hummingbird as well. As always, it's nice to have you sharing your lovely garden.

Ashley said...

Mrs. Paula- As far as the Jersey cow goes, I do believe that Momma wants the cow to be near her so that she can milk it. Trevor is actaully in the process of buying several acres from Daddy and he's going to build his house there!!! The rest of the place will most likely be used for beef cows!! I know whatever it's used for will be an adventure!!

Carolinenot- There were times when we thought that there would be no end to the project, but as we've witnessed, persistance pays off!!