Friday, July 25, 2008

A Morning Stroll

As I let Jasper out earlier this morning I noticed that it was just beautiful outside!

It was seventy-nine degrees with cloud cover that had "character" (you could see the different clouds). A walk through the gardens was in order!

"The Welcoming Committee always is so glad to see me in the mornings!"
I first stopped by the dog/cow/goat pen to feed Lila and Buck. It's an adventure going in there; the cow wants the dog food and the goat will NOT leave me alone..... In the end the dog food got eaten and I made it out of the pen in one piece!
The Big Garden was my next stop...

"Banana Peppers"
I was surprised to see how well the peppers were doing. The Banana Pepper plants are covered in peppers and I'm sure are almost ready to harvest.

"Hot Peppers"
Collin has been giving special attention to these little guys! He LOVES hot peppers although I wonder what he is going to do with all these!

I was so surprised to see that this was finally bearing fruit! How exciting! I can't remember ever having eaten eggplant before so this is a first for me. How do y'all like it? Does it taste like squash or have it's own flavor?

The tomato's are slowly beginning to ripen. We have at least two different varieties- Rutgers for canning and another kind which no one can remember the name of! With so many green tomato's within reach we cannot pass up having fried green tomato's as a side dish for dinners! Mmmmm good!
I next moved on to my garden.....

"A Bunny amidst the Phlox"
Momma gave me quite a few of these little bunnies for my birthday and I have them sprinkled all throughout my garden. I love seeing them peek out from the most unsuspecting places!
I've already started thinking about all the plants that will need transplanting, dividing, or planting this fall and I'm getting excited!

"It's Amazing what a Little Water will Do!"
The Gerber Daisies are the highlight of my garden! Since they are second year plants the foliage is fuller, healthier looking, and greener! The flowers are so cheerful and are perfect for gathering for use in a vase.

Despite the "cooler" temperature this butterfly was flitting around my garden. The Cleome and the Butterfly Bush- in the background- keep the butterflies busy in addition to looking wonderful!
After walking though the garden, it was time for me to head back in....

as I walked up to the porch I noticed that this watermelon that has doubled in size since Monday nights rain. We now have a watermelon patch right under/beside the porch where several melons are in various stages of development. They are intertwined with morning glories, hummingbird vine, and potted plants. It's starting to look like a jungle out there!

While I've been strolling around I've musing over what I hope to get done today and I believe I shall keep it simple. I'm going to finish putting my room back together (all but the closet doors are painted and the furniture was moved back in last night!), practice my Horn, do some housework/cooking, and maybe wrap some soap. I have a Horn lesson this evening so I do need to practice today.... :o)

Sawyer is feeling rather under the weather today. He has a fever and is absolutely pitiful. Momma made him a nest on the sofa and is serving him meals on the "sick tray" which is a special treat! I have fond memories of being sick as a child (when it wasn't a stomach sickness).
I must be off.... laundry doesn't fold itself!


Sarah said...

Thank you for sharing those beautiful garden photos, Ashley! It looks like your family's garden is doing very well. :)

That Banana Pepper plant sure is interesting in how all the peppers are facing the same direction! I love your all's animals . . . do you have just the one cow (or steer :) and goat? So far, I have been able to determine that you have several dogs! We do, too; four in fact.

I have always wanted to try growing eggplant! Though, I have no clue what it tastes like. :) Let me know what you think of it when you all try it!

Is the flower garden yours? It is just lovely!

I am so sorry to hear that Sawyer has been sick! I will be praying for him to get well soon and that the rest of your family does not get sick.

Have a blessed weekend!

Ashley said...

Sarah- I hadn't noticed that the peppers were all growing in the same direction! How funny! :o)
The cow is Tristan's one and only cow. She's not a year old yet so there's allot of growing for her to do. He's talking about using her as a brood cow and selling her offspring when they are old enough. Momma wants a Jersey cow to milk in addition to chickens so I imagine that we are going to have quite the "farm" once everything gets rolling!

Yes, we have three dogs! Two of them are mine and one is Tristans'. Jasper moved out here with us (he looks like a small cow if you see from far away!), Lila I adopted from a former neighbor, and Buck showed up of his own accord a year and a half ago! They are all a hoot when they get together!

Yes, the flower garden is mine.... I enjoy puttering out there in my free time.

Thank you for the prayers for Sawyer. He's still under the weather today but not feeling so bad that he can't go be with the big boys! There over at the property and I think Trevor is smothing out his house site today!! I hope to get over there to watch and mosey around!!

Have a great day!

Paula said...

Dear Ashely,
Your garden is so beautiful and all the flowers and veggies are doing so well. I am so happy for you all! I love eggplant and think it has a taste of it's own.

I pray Sawyer is feeling better. I am sorry to hear he was not well.

Have a lovely evening,

Maiden4Christ said...

Dear Ashley,
It looks like everything is growing
over there from the boys to the plants! Tell Collin that maybe he could make a salsa with the hot peppers. All you need is 4-5 tomatoes, 1 onion, plenty of hot peppers and lemon juice. Heat up frying pan with a little bit of olive oil. Add the vegetables and peppers. Season with cumin, adobo and salt. sprinkle on lemon juice. cook until the vegetables and peppers are soft. Aftear they are done cooking place in blender and blend well adding a little water.
Enjoy:) Tell him to make it when there is no one in the house as it makes you cough.

Ashley said...

Mrs. Paula- It's good to have you "back"! Momma and I were wondering where you had dissapeared to, but we're happy to hear from you again!
Sawyer is still sick. His fever turned into a cough and he still looks pitiful alothough he is a cheerful as can can manage.
Thank you!

Ashley said...

Bethany- We will definately try that salsa recipe!! Do you add any cilantro? We usually use Mrs. Greene's recipe but don't put it in the blender.... I hadn't even thought of doing that. I think I will the next time I make Salsa!