Monday, January 14, 2008

Picture Post

Dear Friends~I recently invested my money in a digital camera! I've been using the family's' camera for quite some time and it was time for my to get my own. The camera now stays in my pocket or at least someplace near by so that I can attempt to capture those moments that are so special in a family. I thought I'd share some of the pictures from the past two weeks and give you a glimpse into my life! Do Enjoy!

"Red Neck way to produce kindling?"
Sayre is usually the one to go find kindling for our fires, but apparently Trevor didn't want to wait that long! Board scraps work great and as the boys tell me, "you can't do anything with it so you may as well burn it"!

"Professional fire starter"
He should be a pro at it! Trevor was the main "build a fire man" at our old house, and has probably built a hundred fires in our fireplaces!
What is it about a cold night inside, curled up in front of the fire with a good book that evokes a sense of peace and tranquility?

"A Lesson in Balance and Agility"
A week ago yesterday, our dear friends dropped in on us as a surprise for both my Mom and her dear "Friend" (Friends husband concocted the plan and then let me know what was going on). The ladies had a wonderful visit, the boys (both big and small) had a ball, and the girls..... well....... lets' just say they like to laugh at me!
"See, this is how it works Victoria"
It was interesting to see Sawyer and Victoria interact with each other. They liked mashing the buttons on this old radio and following each other around.
Mmmm..... yes, that's my dog. This is the kind of stuff that shows up on my camera when the boys use it. Sayre staged it all and somehow coerced Jasper into staying still and holding a hairbrush.......
"Pansy Time"
The pansies that I planted last fall are finally showing signs of visible growth! I can't wait to see them in bloom when spring arrives!

Yesterday was perfect gardening weather so I was out spreading mushroom compost, pulling weeds, and setting up a bench. Lila spent the afternoon tied to a bench near-by and every time I would look at her or just glance up, her tail would start wagging and her body start vibrating! Sadly, she's not much help in the garden....

"Mission Accomplished"
My garden doesn't look to good in the winter; I've been going through seed and nursery catalogues attempting to figure out what all I'm going to plant. I want to attract butterflies so I'm looking at plants for this purpose.

"Sound Asleep"
These two are like two peas in a pod! "The Boys" had been naughty and run off on Sunday night, and as a result I was unable to let them in. They slept all day yesterday!
This picture was just to cute!

I'm off now. There is more gardening to be done and brothers to chase around!

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