Wednesday, January 2, 2008

Highlights From the Past Year.

Here are what I consider the highlights from this past year! So much has happened and things have taken place that quite honestly, we didn't expect to happen. Such as, buying a soap business wasn't even expected!! I'm continually amazed at how God works and changes me; as I look back, I can see how God has used these "highlights" to work in my heart.

The addition had just gotten underway last year! Here Daddy, the boys, and the Greene guys are working on getting it framed in. Many long hours and the "putting aside of what one wants to be doing" have been put into it. Today, we're enjoying being almost ready for "moving in day"!

At the beginning of April, Daddy and I went to the Father Daughter Retreat that Vision Forum holds each year at Calloway Gardens. It was a wonderful time just being together!

In May, Sayre had his first litter of baby bunnies! Since then he has had three litters born and come to maturity! It's so neat to see the development from birth to maturity in these little guys.

The summer months found us with our first real garden! We actually ate produce that we had grown! It was hard work, but so worth the effort!

June found us at the Jamestown Quadricentenial celebration held in Jamestown VA. We spent a week learning about Jamestown and it's first settlers along with fellow shipping with friends.

September found Collin and I with friends at Cape Hatteras for a week! It was a time of cementing friendships and getting to know one another even more! A time of catching up with each other is a good way to describe it.

We finally were able to spend time with Grandma after not visiting with her in two years. I'm sure she was amazed at how we had grown!
I have learned so much this year, been challenge in so many ways, and done so many new things. It makes me wonder what's ahead in this year!

Happy New Year to you!


Patti said...

With regard to your year. I'm glad you started a soap business. I just got my order on Monday and did my first loads of laundry with the Charlie's Soap. I really like it. And I love the bar of baby soap I bought for washing my face. I think you sent me a gift bar of another type as well. (Or did you put 2 bars in my box by accident?) Anyhow, thank you.

My daughter and husband would love to attend the Vision Forum father/daughter retreat, and we would have loved to have gone to Jamestown for the Quadricentennial Celebration. But when you live in Idaho, and all those things take place on the East coast, it makes it a bit difficult.

Patti Gardner

Ella said...

Ashley, you have a lovely blog here. My mother is actually the comment above me. I will stop by often. Please feel free to stop by mine. I love that you have chosen to remain at home!!

In Christ,