Thursday, April 24, 2008

Just Because....

Sawyer is really turning into a little man! He's two and a half now and brings such delight to all of us. He is one of the "funnest" little men around and here are some pictures to prove it!
One of his favorite outside things to do is to play cars in the dirt. He'll sit there and make dump truck noises while rolling them over "hills" and through mud puddles! You have to watch him with the mud puddles as he LOVES to incessantly jump in them!

He is also fond of petting any animals that happen to be "petable" like our friend Billy the Kid pictured above! He's learning that you are to be nice and gentle with all of the "livestock".

As you can see, he is thoroughly enjoying being outside! When asked what he has done each day, he always tells you "ri dado. Ha to dado's" which translates into "ride tractor. Have two tractors" and then he'll launch into a "talk" about the tractors!! It's a hoot!!!

He has been trying on other peoples shoes this past week! Here he has Tristan's boots on (on the wrong feet too!) and Daddy is showing him how to tie them up.

It can get tricky wearing shoes that are many sizes to big for you!

"Ni boos Daddy!" means nice boots Daddy.
I tremble to think about what our life would be like if he wasn't a part of our family. He's truly a blessing from God!

1 comment:

Paula said...

Dear Ashley,
What a sweet post! I enjoyed it so much! I would love to hear Sawyer's tractor talk!

He is such a sweet little man! I thought he looked adorable in Tristan's boots! It was so sweet seeing your dear Daddy tie his boots up for him!

What a blessing it is that you love your brothers so much and value your family! It is wonderful to know a young lady that believes children are a blessing from God! You are a blessing, too, Ashley!
Mrs. Paula